The Journal's Objectives
As indicated in the first issue of the
Canadian Journal of Regional Science:
"It is hoped that the Journal will fill an obvious void in the
Canadian social science literature and contribute in some manner to
the development of regional science in the country." More generally
the objectives of the Journal are to:
� provide an outlet for interdisciplinary
� research on
regional and urban
� encourage academics to undertake research
� on regional
� promote the exchange of ideas across
� different
academic disciplines.
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Vol. 37 (1/3) 2014 |
The Canadian Journal of Regional Science is unique in the
Canadian context since it provides a critical research outlet for
interdisciplinary work on regional and urban issues in the nation.
Its authors come from the disciplines of economics, geography,
sociology and political science.
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It is important that the Canadian Journal of Regional Science
continue as an outlet for regional research in the country. There
can be little doubt that with the geographic size of the nation, the
different endowments across the provinces, the different cultural
groups and the persistent regional economic disparities, that the
field of regional science as an interdisciplinary subject can
provide useful insight into the regional problems in Canada.
Origin and Evolution of the Journal
The Canadian Journal of Regional Science began publication in
1978 at the Regional and Urban Studies Centre, Institute of Public
Affairs, Dalhousie University under the co-editorship of Andrew S.
Harvey and William J. Coffey. In 1988 the editorship (and
production) moved to INRS-Urbanisation at the Universit� du Qu�bec a
Montr�al with Professor Jacques Ledent as editor.
Beginning with Volume 16 (1993), production of the journal moved to
the Department of Economics, University of New Brunswick with
William J. Milne serving as editor. Christopher Bryant of Universit�
de Montr�al became editor beginning with Volume 20 (1997) and
continued through Volume 33 (2010). During those years production
was overseen Assistant Editor Doug Woodward.
Starting with the first issue of Volume 33 (2010), the journal moved
to an online, open access format. Professor John Miron of the
University of Toronto Scarborough assumes the editorship beginning
with Volume 34 (2011).
The Canadian Journal of Regional Science / Revue canadienne des
sciences r�gionales is the journal of the
A Tribute to Chris Bryant
| Un hommage � Chris Bryant
