Table of Contents / Table des
Regional Development and
Increasing Returns
Chen Gongyue Gary and Yiu-fai Lee
Slow-Growth, High-Income
Provinces: A Paradox Resolved
Jean-Luc Migu� and G�rard B�langer
Regional Employment Changes in a
Booming Resource Economy: A Modified Shift-Share Analogue Regression
of Changes in Employment Patterns within the Economic Regions of
James A. Brox, Emanuel Carvalho and Jon Mackay
A Note on Forecasting Cross
Border Shopping: The Virtue of Simplicity
Nicole S. C. Jones and Xavier de Vanssay
Improving Access to Land Price
Data: A Spatial Decision Support System for Cleansing Land Registry
Jamie E. L. Spinney, Pavlos S. Kanaroglou and Hugh A. Millward
Regional Air Transport in
Qu�bec: Trends and Challenges
Isabelle Dostaler and Thomas J. Tomberlin
Migration as a "Catastrophe": Visual
Analyses of Four Models
Jeremiah Allen
Analyse compar�e des
m�canismes de prix des diff�rents march�s fonciers : terres
agricoles et littoral en Charente-Maritime (France)
Jeanne Dachary-Bernard et Sandrine Lyser
Les stations de moyenne
montagne �branl�es par le d�veloppement des loisirs de proximit� :
L'exemple de deux stations p�riurbaines de Grenoble
Hugues Fran�ois et Sylvain Billet
Le syst�me hi�rarchique
urbain canadien 1971-2001
Aurelie Lalanne et Guillaume Pouyanne
Convergence Measures between
and within Canada and China
Ablajan Sulaiman and Christopher Bryant
Book Review/Compte rendu de livre
Moustapha Kamal Gueye,
Malena Sell and Janet Strachan (eds.) Trade, Climate Change and
Sustainable Development. Key Issues for Small States, Least
Developed Countries and Vulnerable Economies
by Kolson Schlosser
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